004. 상속관계에서의 생성자와 소멸자
2011. 7. 8. 17:56
◈ 이 글은 강의를 위하여 제가 직접 작성한 내용입니다. 따라서 퍼가실 경우, 출처를 명확히 해주시기 바랍니다!!
◈ This ariticle was written by me for teaching. So if you want to copy this article, please clarify the source!!
◈ This ariticle was written by me for teaching. So if you want to copy this article, please clarify the source!!
[매우 중요!!] 아래 코드를 실행해보고 상속관계에 있어서 부모 클래스와 자식 클래스 간의 생성자와 소멸자의 호출 순서에 대해서 이해한다.
/* >> 생성자 호출 순서 1. 자식 클래스의 객체 생성 시 : 부모 클래스의 생성자 호출 -> 자식 클래스의 생성자 호출 2. 자식 클래스의 객체 소멸 시 : 자식 클래스의 소멸자 호출 -> 부모 클래스의 소멸자 호출 */ #include#include using namespace std; class Mammal { public: Mammal(); Mammal(int age); ~Mammal(); int GetAge() const { return itsAge; } void SetAge(int age) { itsAge = age; } int GetWeight() const { return itsWeight; } void SetWeight(int weight) { itsWeight = weight; } void Speak()const { cout << "Mammal sound!\n"; } void Sleep()const { cout << "shhh. I'm sleeping.\n"; } // 부모가 자식에게 private에 대한 접근을 허용한다. int GetSpeed() const { return itsSpeed; } void SetSpeed(int speed) { itsSpeed = speed; } protected: int itsAge; int itsWeight; private: int itsSpeed; }; Mammal::Mammal(): itsAge(1), itsWeight(5) { cout << "Mammal constructor...\n"; } Mammal::Mammal(int age): itsAge(age), itsWeight(5) { cout << "Mammal(int) constructor...\n"; } Mammal::~Mammal() { cout << "Mammal destructor...\n"; } enum BREED { GOLDEN, CAIRN, DANDIE}; class Dog : public Mammal { public: Dog(); Dog(int age); Dog(int age, int weight); Dog(int age, BREED breed); Dog(int age, int weight, BREED breed); ~Dog(); BREED GetBreed() const { return itsBreed; } void SetBreed(BREED breed) { itsBreed = breed; } void WagTail() const { cout << "Tail wagging...\n"; } void BegForFood() const { cout << "Begging for food...\n"; } private: BREED itsBreed; }; Dog::Dog(): Mammal(), itsBreed(GOLDEN) { cout << "Dog constructor...\n"; } Dog::Dog(int age): Mammal(age), itsBreed(GOLDEN) { cout << "Dog(int) constructor...\n"; } Dog::Dog(int age, int weight): Mammal(age), itsBreed(GOLDEN) //, itsWeight(weight) 는 작성불가. { itsWeight = weight; cout << "Dog(int, int) constructor...\n"; } Dog::Dog(int age, int weight, BREED breed): Mammal(age), itsBreed(breed) { itsWeight = weight; cout << "Dog(int, int, BREED) constructor...\n"; } Dog::Dog(int age, BREED breed): Mammal(age), itsBreed(breed) { cout << "Dog(int, BREED) constructor...\n"; } Dog::~Dog() { cout << "Dog destructor(" << itsAge << ")...\n"; } void main() { Dog fido; cout << "---------------------------------" << endl; Dog rover(5); cout << "---------------------------------" << endl; Dog buster(6,8); cout << "---------------------------------" << endl; Dog yorkie(3,DANDIE); cout << "---------------------------------" << endl; Dog dobbie(4,20,CAIRN); cout << "---------------------------------" << endl; fido.Speak(); rover.WagTail(); cout << "---------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Yorkie is " << yorkie.GetAge() << " years old\n"; cout << "Dobbie weighs " << dobbie.GetWeight() << " pounds\n"; cout << "---------------------------------" << endl; }