
047. 클래스로 2차배열을 만들어 함수로 전달하자.

하얀뱀 2011. 1. 18. 16:59

◈ 이 글은 강의를 위하여 제가 직접 작성한 내용입니다. 따라서 퍼가실 경우, 출처를 명확히 해주시기 바랍니다!!
◈ This ariticle was written by me for teaching. So if you want to copy this article, please clarify the source!!

// 클래스 객체를 배열로 만들경우, 기본 생성자가 없으면 선언할 때 반드시 초기화를 해줘야 한다.

using namespace std;

#define MAX 4

class Student
	int kor;
	int eng;
	int math;

	Student():kor(0), eng(0), math(0){}
	Student(int k, int e, int m)
		: kor(k), eng(e), math(m)


	int Total()
		return kor + eng + math;

	double Average()
		return Total() / 3.0;

//void print(Student (*stu)[MAX], int row, int col)
void print(Student grade[][MAX], int row, int col)
	cout << "학급" << "\t학생\t";

	char subject[][10]={"국어","영어","수학"};
	int subject_count = sizeof(subject)/sizeof(subject[0]);
	for(int i=0; i < subject_count; i++)
		cout << subject[i] << "\t";

	cout << "총점" << "\t평균" << endl;

	for(int i=0; i < row; i++)
		cout << i+1;
		for(int n=0; n < col; n++)
			cout << "\t" << n+1 << "\t";
			cout << grade[i][n].kor << "\t" << grade[i][n].eng << "\t" << grade[i][n].math << "\t";
			cout << grade[i][n].Total() << "\t" << grade[i][n].Average() << endl;
		cout << endl;

void main( )
	// 3학급 4학생의 국영수 점수.
	Student firstGrade[][MAX] = { {Student(100, 90,80), Student(97, 98, 99), Student(100, 98,78), Student(78, 89,76)}, 
								{Student(90, 100, 87), Student(100, 87, 86), Student(89,76, 98), Student(98,78,98)}, 
								{Student(98, 99, 87), Student(90,80,95), Student(92, 90,85), Student(99, 94,91)}  };

	int row = sizeof(firstGrade) / sizeof(firstGrade[0]);				// 학급수.
	int col = sizeof(firstGrade[0]) / sizeof(firstGrade[0][0]);			// 학생수.


	for(int i=0; i < row; i++)
		for(int m=0; m < col; m++)
			firstGrade[i][m] = Student(rand()%51+50, rand()%51+50, rand()%51+50);

	print(firstGrade, row, col);	